Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Old Macdonald


Golf Digest:  #55
Golfweek:  #5 Modern

I showed up at Bandon after having been told by many folks that Old Macdonald was their least favorite course of the four.  Perhaps it was my low expectations - who knows - but I really enjoyed Old Mac.  It was unique and offered some fun shots requiring creativity.  Other than the blind shot over a hill on #16, it's all right in front of you other than all the elephants buried in the greens.  The course is wide open and you can generally hit it anywhere, but I was able to find some gorse when I was WAY offline (it happens too frequently).  With no real protection from the elements, the wind really whips across Old Mac.  That also helped demand varying shots into the wild green complexes.  I found myself numerous times waffling between various shot options, and that was the fun of it.  

I'm not sure I have a ranking of the Bandon courses.  I think I need to have another go at them.  No favorites yet, they're all great.

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