Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Muirfield Village


Golf Digest:  #15
Golfweek:  #12 Modern

My Muirfield Village invite was a surprise.  A good friend's stepdad and uncle were planning a Scioto-Muirfield trip and I was lucky enough to get the invite to round out the foursome.  That's a phone call I don't mind getting.

On to Muirfield Village Golf Club...not to be confused with the Country Club of Muirfield Village next quite a spectacle.  The clubhouse and facilities are top notch - and you are treated like a king the moment you set foot on the property.  We played it in early spring, and it was as if the course was open year round.  Typically, the winter takes its toll on courses that fight snow and cold, but Muirfield recently had some rough weather and not a blade of grass was out of place.  It was perhaps one of the most lush courses I've ever played.

As for the layout, it's no joke!  I found just about every bush, OB, water, and sand trap I could; the score was not pretty.  However, there are so many great holes at Muirfield that I don't have that nagging negative feeling you get after embarrassing yourself over the course of 18 holes.  I really hope to make it back to redeem myself, but have fond memories nonetheless.

My favorite hole is the par 5 11th  with a creek that runs up the left and crosses the fairway midway through the hole.  I found the creek, maybe more than once if I remember correctly.  It was picturesque and enjoyable despite my excess shots.  

Pictured above is the short 14th, where I finally hit a good drive and dribbled it on the fringe.  A mere three putts later I had my par, yay?  But what a great little hole with a perfectly manicured creek running up the left, crossing, and then running all the way up the right past the green.  Muirfield is filled with these creative and fun holes.

That's probably plenty for the course description since you can all watch the hole by hole when Jack hosts his tourney in June.  But, after your round don't forget to enjoy the famous milkshakes.  They won't disappoint.

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